Veronika Cucorova

Curious about code, data and creating things.

Tools, Apps and Frameworks

This page contains some of my favourite tools, apps and frameworks to remember for myself but feel free to try them out too. Disclaimer: I am by no way affliated or paid for promoting any of them.


  • Keybr
    Helps you train faster and more confident typing with exercises tailored to the mistakes you keep making. Especially useful when learning a new keyboard such as a split keyboard.

  • Untools
    Clean and beautiful website providing you with a list of thinking frameworks. So satisfactory to put things in a structure.

  • Tables Generator
    Generates tables for LaTeX, HTML or markdown ready to copy and paste.

  • Hugo
    How could I not mention “The world’s fastest framework for building websites” as they say. This website was also built in Hugo.


  • Pacemaker
    Award winning app making you feel like a pro DJ as soon as you open it.